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The fashion industry is the second most polluting industry in the world, yet it continues to thrive. How can we make it more sustainable, even if only in small steps? Who can be part of this process and what can they do? Answering these questions is the aim of the Erasmus+ funded project Re-fashionable.

Why will this be different from a sustainability apprenticeship focusing only on specific target groups? Because the Re-fashionable project aims at creating a dialogue between fashion companies, fashion professionals, fashion school trainers, staff and student, environmental organisations and local and national authorities focusing on sustainability issues, the different actors of the fashion industry.

We aim to support the VET sector and the Fashion industry to adapt to a more sustainable and circular work and study model. We will create a new meeting, collaboration and change-making process for all the
fashion world protagonists: fashion schools, designers, producers, and environmental organisations mitigating climate change resulting from the fashion cycle.

We want to make fashion more sustainable and guide the above target groups in their journey to climate neutrality until 2050.

A “meet-connect-collaborate” digital platform with the goal to bring together all the players of the fashion cycle: VET schools, designers, fashion companies and professional and environmental organizations offering know-how.

An eLearning course about sustainable fashion processes , addressed to all the above target groups.

A Summer Lab which will bring members of the target groups together to create a sustainable fashion business plan, and a set of documenting Video Stories.


The primary target group of Re-fashionable involves

– The Vocational Education and Training (VET) school
trainers, staff and students

– Fatshion companies, fashion professionals (designers,
retailers, consultants – designers, couuriers, tailors)

– Representatives of a fashion company

– Environmental organizations that focus on fashion
sustainability, the pollution created by the apparel and accessories usage and
circulation, ways to overcome the damage done and prevent future damage.

– Member of a local or national authority focusing on
sustainability issues

Project number: 2023-1-ES01-KA220-VET- 000155130

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